Inspire! The Blog

How To Reengage After A Long Hiatus

I discovered in taking the (or being forced to take) the long hiatus from big business and team development is that - my story is not unlike many others I have heard of along the way.

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Why Manager Rants in the Office are Never Productive

We have all sat in meetings with a manager who blows up, repeatedly, and stands on their proverbial soapbox to make their point. We have all also turned off our listening and disengaged from that same behavior pattern. Yet still, this management style is one of the most prominent and least productive. Learn the strategy to work around it if you can't change it.

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Did You Know People Have Expiration Dates?

Did you know you and your employee's have expiration dates? For the workplace that is. It is important as a manager to know your own and the warning signs that show when others are approaching the end of the line.

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Are Your People Equipped to Make Decisions... Quickly?

During a recent trip out of town, I learned something about equipping our teammates to make decisions and to make them quickly. One evening, while away from our hotel room, we returned rather late to a room that was flooding. Clearly, the person in the room above us had left the bathtub to overflow, and a lot of water had made it's way down the walls and out of the light fixture in the ceiling. The sound was alarming to walk into, but the appearance of that much water was even more surprising.

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Are You Trying to Fix Your Team or Promote Them?

Have you considered, for any length of time, your motives with your team? What is it that you need and want from them? How are they measuring up to your expectations? And, if they aren't measuring up, what are you prepared to do about it?

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3 Roadblocks that May be in Your Way to Achieving More

Recently, I had the great pleasure of attending a 4 day intensive retreat with my coach. Yes, even I have a coaching team I work with and that is because I believe so strongly in walking my talk. During this retreat, a powerful question came up for me and, of course, I had to share it with you.

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Failure is a Choice - for Leaders and Teams

From time to time, everyone on our team experiences setbacks. We set a course and start out, but then we find ourselves at a dead end. Maybe we get fired from a job or our spouse files for divorce or resources we needed to finish a project don’t materialize and we’re left holding the bag. But what does it take to turn a setback like this into a failure? Well, the answer is simple. The only thing it takes is your attitude.

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Invention + Inspiration = A Winning Team

Do you ever wonder how the really great ideas come to be million dollar inventions? Or, how some leaders appear to have the golden ticket for getting the right team members to get the win? I have pondered these things for many years. If you are like me, you have had an idea, drawn it out, envisioned what it can do to transform the world or make life easier for someone only to have your idea go on the shelf. A few years later, that very idea is now making someone else millions of dollars! And yours is still on the shelf.

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